Source code for poco.pocofw

# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import time
import traceback
import warnings

from .acceleration import PocoAccelerationMixin
from .exceptions import PocoTargetTimeout, InvalidOperationException
from .proxy import UIObjectProxy
from .agent import PocoAgent
from .freezeui.utils import create_immutable_hierarchy
from .utils.track import MotionTrackBatch
from .utils.multitouch_gesture import make_pinching
from .gesture import PendingGestureAction

__author__ = 'lxn3032'

[docs]class Poco(PocoAccelerationMixin): """ Poco standard initializer. Args: agent (:py:class:`PocoAgent <poco.agent.PocoAgent>`): an agent object for Poco to communicate with the target device. See :py:class:`PocoAgent <poco.agent.PocoAgent>` definition for more details. options: - ``action_interval``: time interval to wait for the action (such as touch or swipe) completion performed on device and for the UI to become still (stable). Default value is 0.8s. - ``poll_interval``: the minimum time needed between each poll events (such as waiting for UI element to appear on the screen). Polling is done periodically. - ``pre_action_wait_for_appearance``: time interval to wait before the action (such as click or swipe) is performed. If the target UI element does not appear on the screen after this time interval, the :py:class:`PocoNoSuchNodeException <poco.exceptions.PocoNoSuchNodeException>` is raised - ``touch_down_duration``: Touch down step duration of the click operation last for. If this argument is provided, this value will set to ``self.agent.input`` module. Note that not all implementation of poco support this parameter. If not support, you may see a warning. - ``reevaluate_volatile_attributes``: Re-select target UI proxy when retrieving volatile attributes. Poco drivers that using hrpc connections should default to be ``False`` as hrpc always reevaluate the attributes remotely. This option is useful for ``StdPoco`` driver and should be handled by ``StdPoco``. """ def __init__(self, agent, **options): super(Poco, self).__init__() self._agent = agent # options self._pre_action_wait_for_appearance = options.get('pre_action_wait_for_appearance', 6) self._post_action_interval = options.get('action_interval', 0.8) self._poll_interval = options.get('poll_interval', 1.44) self._reevaluate_volatile_attributes = options.get('reevaluate_volatile_attributes', False) if 'touch_down_duration' in options: touch_down_duration = options['touch_down_duration'] try: touch_down_duration = float(touch_down_duration) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Option `touch_down_duration` should be <float>. Got {}' .format(repr(touch_down_duration))) self._agent.input.setTouchDownDuration(touch_down_duration) self._pre_action_callbacks = [self.__class__.on_pre_action] self._post_action_callbacks = [self.__class__.on_post_action] self._agent.on_bind_driver(self)
[docs] def __call__(self, name=None, **kw): """ Call Poco instance to select the UI element by query expression. Query expression can contain specific name and/or other attributes. Invisible UI elements will be skipped even if "visible=False" argument is set. Selection process is not executed instantly, the query expression is stored in the UI proxy and the selection is executed only then when the UI element(s) info is required (such get the point coordinates where to click, and/or retrieve the specific attribute value). Examples: This example shows selecting a Button named 'close':: poco = Poco(...) close_btn = poco('close', type='Button') Args: name (:obj:`str`): name of the UI element to be selected Keyword Args: xx: arbitrary key value pair that stands for selecting the UI matching the value of ``UI.xx`` xxMatches (:obj:`str`): arbitrary key value pair that stands for selecting the UI matching the regular expression pattern ``UI.xx`` In keyword args, you can only use `xx` or `xxMatches` at the same time. Using both with the same attribute does not make sense. Besides, `xx` should not start with ``_`` (underscore) as attributes start with ``_`` are private attributes that used by sdk implementation. :: # select the UI element(s) which text attribute matches the pattern '^close.*$' poco = Poco(...) arb_close_btn = poco(textMatches='^close.*$') Returns: :py:class:`UIObjectProxy <poco.proxy.UIObjectProxy>`: UI proxy object representing the UI element matches the given query expression. """ if not name and len(kw) == 0: warnings.warn("Wildcard selector may cause performance trouble. Please give at least one condition to " "shrink range of results") return UIObjectProxy(self, name, **kw)
[docs] def wait_for_any(self, objects, timeout=120): """ Wait until any of given UI proxies show up before timeout and return the first appeared UI proxy. All UI proxies will be polled periodically. See options :py:class:`poll_interval <poco.pocofw.Poco>` in ``Poco``'s initialization for more details. Args: objects (Iterable<:py:class:`UIObjectProxy <poco.proxy.UIObjectProxy>`>): iterable object of the given UI proxies timeout (:obj:`float`): timeout in seconds, default is 120s Returns: :py:class:`UIObjectProxy <poco.proxy.UIObjectProxy>`: the first appeared UI proxy Raises: PocoTargetTimeout: when none of UI proxies appeared before timeout """ start = time.time() while True: for obj in objects: if obj.exists(): return obj if time.time() - start > timeout: raise PocoTargetTimeout('any to appear', objects) self.sleep_for_polling_interval()
[docs] def wait_for_all(self, objects, timeout=120): """ Wait until all of given UI proxies show up before timeout. All UI proxies will be polled periodically. See option :py:class:`poll_interval <poco.pocofw.Poco>` in ``Poco``'s initialization for more details. Args: objects (Iterable<:py:class:`UIObjectProxy <poco.proxy.UIObjectProxy>`>): iterable object of the given UI proxies timeout (:obj:`float`): timeout in seconds, default is 120s Raises: PocoTargetTimeout: when not all of UI proxies appeared before timeout """ start = time.time() while True: all_exist = True for obj in objects: if not obj.exists(): all_exist = False break if all_exist: return if time.time() - start > timeout: raise PocoTargetTimeout('all to appear', objects) self.sleep_for_polling_interval()
[docs] def freeze(this): """ Snapshot current **hierarchy** and cache it into a new poco instance. This new poco instance is a copy from current poco instance (``self``). The hierarchy of the new poco instance is fixed and immutable. It will be super fast when calling ``dump`` function from frozen poco. See the example below. Examples: :: poco = Poco(...) frozen_poco = poco.freeze() hierarchy_dict = frozen_poco.agent.hierarchy.dump() # will return the already cached hierarchy data Returns: :py:class:`Poco <poco.pocofw.Poco>`: new poco instance copy from current poco instance (``self``) """ class FrozenPoco(Poco): def __init__(self, **kwargs): hierarchy_dict = this.agent.hierarchy.dump() hierarchy = create_immutable_hierarchy(hierarchy_dict) agent_ = PocoAgent(hierarchy, this.agent.input, this.agent.screen) kwargs['action_interval'] = 0.01 kwargs['pre_action_wait_for_appearance'] = 0 super(FrozenPoco, self).__init__(agent_, **kwargs) self.this = this def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.this, item) return FrozenPoco()
[docs] def wait_stable(self): """ Sleep for fixed number of seconds in order to wait for the UI to become still (stable). There is no need to call this method manually. It's automatically invoked when required. """ time.sleep(self._post_action_interval)
[docs] def sleep_for_polling_interval(self): """ Sleep for fixed number of seconds after each poll event. There is no need to call this method manually. It's automatically invoked when required. """ time.sleep(self._poll_interval)
@property def agent(self): """ Readonly property to access poco agent instance. See :py:class:`poco.agent.PocoAgent` for more details. Returns: :py:class:`poco.agent.PocoAgent`: poco agent instance """ return self._agent
[docs] def click(self, pos): """ Perform click (touch, tap, etc.) action on target device at given coordinates. The coordinates (x, y) are either a 2-list or 2-tuple. The coordinates values for x and y must be in the interval between 0 ~ 1 to represent the percentage of the screen. For example, the coordinates ``[0.5, 0.5]`` represent the `center` of the screen and the coordinates ``[0, 0]`` represent the `top left corner`. See ``CoordinateSystem`` for more details about coordinate system. Examples: Click the point of ``(100, 100)`` of screen which resolution is ``(1920, 1080)``::[100.0 / 1920, 100.0 / 1080]) Args: pos (:obj:`list(float, float)` / :obj:`tuple(float, float)`): coordinates (x, y) in range of 0 to 1 Raises: InvalidOperationException: when clicked outside of the screen """ if not (0 <= pos[0] <= 1) or not (0 <= pos[1] <= 1): raise InvalidOperationException('Click position out of screen. pos={}'.format(repr(pos))) ret =[0], pos[1]) self.wait_stable() return ret
def rclick(self, pos): raise NotImplementedError def double_click(self, pos): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def swipe(self, p1, p2=None, direction=None, duration=2.0): """ Perform swipe action on target device from point to point given by start point and end point, or by the direction vector. At least one of the end point or direction must be provided. The coordinates (x, y) definition for points is the same as for ``click`` event. The components of the direction vector (x, y) are also expressed in the range of the screen from 0 to 1. See ``CoordinateSystem`` for more details about coordinate system. Examples: Following example shows how to perform a swipe action from (100, 100) to (100, 200) on screen with resolution 1920x1080:: poco.swipe([100.0 / 1920, 100.0 / 1080], [100.0 / 1920, 200.0 / 1080]) Or given by the specific direction instead of end point:: poco.swipe([100.0 / 1920, 100.0 / 1080], direction=[0, 100.0 / 1080]) Args: p1 (:obj:`2-list/2-tuple`): start point p2: end point direction: swipe direction duration (:obj:`float`): time interval in which the swipe action is performed Raises: InvalidOperationException: when the start point of the swipe action lies outside the screen """ try: duration = float(duration) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Argument `duration` should be <float>. Got {}'.format(repr(duration))) if not (0 <= p1[0] <= 1) or not (0 <= p1[1] <= 1): raise InvalidOperationException('Swipe origin out of screen. {}'.format(repr(p1))) if direction is not None: p2 = [p1[0] + direction[0], p1[1] + direction[1]] elif p2 is not None: p2 = p2 else: raise TypeError('Swipe end not set.') return self.agent.input.swipe(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], duration)
[docs] def long_click(self, pos, duration=2.0): """ Similar to click but press the screen for the given time interval and then release Args: pos (:obj:`2-list/2-tuple`): coordinates (x, y) in range from 0 to 1 duration: duration of press the screen """ try: duration = float(duration) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Argument `duration` should be <float>. Got {}'.format(repr(duration))) if not (0 <= pos[0] <= 1) or not (0 <= pos[1] <= 1): raise InvalidOperationException('Click position out of screen. {}'.format(repr(pos))) return self.agent.input.longClick(pos[0], pos[1], duration)
[docs] def scroll(self, direction='vertical', percent=0.6, duration=2.0): """ Scroll from the lower part to the upper part of the entire screen. Args: direction (:py:obj:`str`): scrolling direction. "vertical" or "horizontal" percent (:py:obj:`float`): scrolling distance percentage of the entire screen height or width according to direction duration (:py:obj:`float`): time interval in which the action is performed """ if direction not in ('vertical', 'horizontal'): raise ValueError('Argument `direction` should be one of "vertical" or "horizontal". Got {}' .format(repr(direction))) start = [0.5, 0.5] half_distance = percent / 2 if direction == 'vertical': start[1] += half_distance direction = [0, -percent] else: start[0] += half_distance direction = [-percent, 0] return self.swipe(start, direction=direction, duration=duration)
[docs] def pinch(self, direction='in', percent=0.6, duration=2.0, dead_zone=0.1): """ Squeezing or expanding 2 fingers on the entire screen. Args: direction (:py:obj:`str`): pinching direction, only "in" or "out". "in" for squeezing, "out" for expanding percent (:py:obj:`float`): squeezing range from or expanding range to of the entire screen duration (:py:obj:`float`): time interval in which the action is performed dead_zone (:py:obj:`float`): pinching inner circle radius. should not be greater than ``percent`` """ if direction not in ('in', 'out'): raise ValueError('Argument `direction` should be one of "in" or "out". Got {}'.format(repr(direction))) if dead_zone >= percent: raise ValueError('Argument `dead_zone` should not be greater than `percent`. dead_zoon={}, percent={}' .format(repr(dead_zone), repr(percent))) tracks = make_pinching(direction, [0.5, 0.5], [1, 1], percent, dead_zone, duration) speed = (percent - dead_zone) / 2 / duration # 速度慢的时候,精度适当要提高,这样有助于控制准确 ret = self.apply_motion_tracks(tracks, accuracy=speed * 0.03) return ret
def pan(self, direction, duration=2.0): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def start_gesture(self, pos): """ Start a gesture action. This method will return a :py:class:`PendingGestureAction <poco.gesture.PendingGestureAction>` object which is able to generate decomposed gesture steps. You can invoke ``.to`` and ``.hold`` any times in a chain. See the following example. Examples: :: poco = Poco(...) # move from screen center to (0.6w, 0.6h) and hold for 1 second # then return back to center poco.start_gesture([0.5, 0.5]).to([0.6, 0.6]).hold(1).to([0.5, 0.5]).up() Args: pos: starting coordinate of normalized coordinate system Returns: :py:class:`PendingGestureAction <poco.gesture.PendingGestureAction>`: an object for building serialized gesture action. """ return PendingGestureAction(self, pos)
[docs] def apply_motion_tracks(self, tracks, accuracy=0.004): """ Similar to click but press the screen for the given time interval and then release Args: tracks (:py:obj:`list`): list of :py:class:`poco.utils.track.MotionTrack` object accuracy (:py:obj:`float`): motion accuracy for each motion steps in normalized coordinate metrics. """ if not tracks: raise ValueError('Please provide at least one track. Got {}'.format(repr(tracks))) tb = MotionTrackBatch(tracks) return self.agent.input.applyMotionEvents(tb.discretize(accuracy))
[docs] def snapshot(self, width=720): """ Take the screenshot from the target device. The supported output format (png, jpg, etc.) depends on the agent implementation. Args: width (:obj:`int`): an expected width of the screenshot. The real size depends on the agent implementation and might not be possible to obtain the expected width of the screenshot Returns: 2-tuple: - screen_shot (:obj:`str/bytes`): base64 encoded screenshot data - format (:obj:`str`): output format 'png', 'jpg', etc. """ return self.agent.screen.getScreen(width)
[docs] def get_screen_size(self): """ Get the real physical resolution of the screen of target device. Returns: tuple: float number indicating the screen physical resolution in pixels """ return self.agent.screen.getPortSize()
def command(self, cmd, type_=None): return self.agent.command.command(cmd, type_) def on_pre_action(self, action, ui, args): pass def on_post_action(self, action, ui, args): pass
[docs] def add_pre_action_callback(self, cb): """ Register a callback function to be invoked before each action (such as touch or swipe). The callback function arguments are defined as follows: * ``action`` (:obj:`str`): name or tag of the action * ``proxy`` (:py:class:`UIObjectProxy <poco.proxy.UIObjectProxy>` or :obj:`NoneType`): related UI proxy which is involved in the action itself * ``args`` (:obj:`tuple`): all required arguments of the specific action function Args: cb: the callback function """ self._pre_action_callbacks.append(cb)
[docs] def add_post_action_callback(self, cb): """ Register a callback function to be invoked after each action (such as touch or swipe). The arguments to be passed are identical to the callback function in :py:meth:`add_pre_action_callback <poco.pocofw.Poco.add_pre_action_callback>`. Args: cb: the callback function """ self._post_action_callbacks.append(cb)
def pre_action(self, action, ui, args): for cb in self._pre_action_callbacks: try: cb(self, action, ui, args) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("Error occurred at pre action stage.\n{}".format(traceback.format_exc())) def post_action(self, action, ui, args): for cb in self._post_action_callbacks: try: cb(self, action, ui, args) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("Error occurred at post action stage.\n{}".format(traceback.format_exc()))
[docs] def use_render_resolution(self, use=True, resolution=None): ''' Whether to use render resolution Args: use: True or false resolution: render resolution in portrait mode, offset_x, offset_y, offset_width, offset_height, (0, 10, 1080, 1820) ''' self._agent.input.use_render_resolution = use self._agent.input.render_resolution = resolution