PocoSDK Integration Guide
PocoSDK implementations for most popular game engines are already provided in poco-sdk repo. You can easily integrate PocoSDK in your game following the corresponding instruction.
Feel free to open an issue if you get stuck in integration.
PocoSDK supports Unity3D version 4 & 5, ngui & ugui, C# only for now. If your game is not supported yet, please refer to implementation guide.
Clone source code from poco-sdk repo.
Copy the
folder to your unity project script folder.If you are using
, just remove the sub folderUnity3D/ugui
. If you are usingugui
, just remove the sub folderUnity3D/ngui
as script component on anyGameObject
, generally on main camera.
PocoSDK supports cocos2dx-lua version >= 3.1.
Clone the sdk source code from poco-sdk repo.
Copy the
folder to your project script folder. You can rename the folder if you wish.Initialize poco-sdk by copying following code to your game initialization script.
local poco = require('poco.poco_manager')
poco:init_server(15004) -- default port number is 15004, change to another if you like
Your cocos2dx-lua project should at least enable socket
or socket.core
module, as poco requires this module
to setup a tcp server at runtime.
If your cocos2dx-lua project does not have mime
module, it still works but a little slow.
Check the adb logcat (for Android) whether successfully integrated. (It is highly recommended to use Android Studio.) If you can see the following “LUA-print”, you poco-sdk is successfully integrated.

After integration, you can start to play with poco. Or if you have any problems, feel free to open an issue here. Title format: [cocos2dx-lua sdk integration] xxx
Cocos2dx-js (beta)
PocoSDK supports 3.1 <= Cocos2dx version <= 3.13.1 (theoretically). To make sure compatibility across every javascript engines, the javascript sdk is written in ES5.
cocos2d-x 3.13.1 is tested and passed.
Clone sdk source code from poco-sdk repo.
Copy the
folder to your cocos project javascript folder.As sdk requires WebSocketServer, we should build WebSocketServer module and js bindings in native code. The WebSocketServer is part of cocos2dx framework but not include by default thus we build it manually by following steps. See also WebSocketServer reference. You’d better backup your origin
folder before copying. The js binding for WebSocketServer requires libwebsockets version == 1.6. There may be some incompatibility issues in cocos2d-x itself if your cocos2d-x engine is not using libwebsockets version == 1.6.
cp -r cocos2dx-js/3rd/websockets <your-cocos-project>/frameworks/cocos2d-x/external/websockets
cp cocos2dx-js/3rd/src/* <your-cocos-project>/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes
. Add following 2 lines at proper position respectively.
// include it at top
#include "jsb_websocketserver.h"
// register callbacks of websocketserver

. Add following boxed line at proper position in your own makefile. If you are using AndroidStudio project, editproj.android-studio/jni/Android.mk
and ensure the path is correct.

$(call import-add-path, $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../cocos2d-x/external)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellojavascript/main.cpp \
../../Classes/AppDelegate.cpp \
../../Classes/WebSocketServer.cpp \
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../Classes \
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := cocos2d_js_static websockets_static
$(call import-module, websockets/prebuilt/android)
$(call import-module, scripting/js-bindings/proj.android)
Edit your
. Append sdk filenames tojsList
in the following order.
// ...
jsList: [
// ...
Recompile your cocos project
in your game’s first initialized script to start PocoSDK, and do not destroy it during game’s lifetime.
var PocoManager = window.PocoManager
var poco = new PocoManager()
// add poco on window object to persist
window.poco = poco
If anything goes wrong, please open an issue here. Title format: [cocos2dx-js sdk integration] xxx
PocoSDK supports Cocos Creator 2.2.1 or higher.
Cocos Creator 2.2.1 is tested and passed.
Clone sdk source code from poco-sdk repo.
Copy the
folder to your cocos project javascript folder.As sdk requires WebSocketServer, we should enable WebSocketServer module and js bindings in native code.
The WebSocketServer is part of cocos2dx framework but not include by default thus we should include it manually by following steps.
Go to the engine directory.
Edit the
file. The path is like your/path/to/CocosCreator_2.2.1/resources/cocos2d-x/cocos/base/ccConfig.hEdit line 62. Change
Recompile your cocos project
in your game’s first initialized script to start PocoSDK, and do not destroy it during game’s lifetime.
extends: cc.Component,
//remember to put code in onLoad function
onLoad: function () {
var poco = require("./Poco") // use your own relative path
window.poco = new poco(); // not destroy
Currently only supports Android and Windows platform, and Poco can only be used after packaging. Not available in preview mode.
(Coming soon.)
Android Native App
Nothing to do about integration. Just start writing tests and be happy. See poco for Android Native App section for more details.
Netease Internal Engines
Just config the module preload at Hunter. Please append following script to the end of hunter __init__
instruction. Require safaia version >= 1.2.0. Use print Safaia.__version__
to get current version.
Any questions about hunter feel free to contact lxn3032@corp.netease.com
for NeoX
# core (add only if not present)
# poco uiautomation
PocoUiautomation = require('support.poco.neox.uiautomation')
# inspector extension
screen_handler = require('support.poco.neox.screen')()
InspectorExt = require('support.poco.safaia.inspector')
InspectorExt.screen = screen_handler
InspectorExt.dumper = require('support.poco.neox.Dumper')()
for Messiah
# core (add only if not present)
# poco uiautomation
PocoUiautomation = require('support.poco.messiah.uiautomation')
# inspector extension
screen_handler = require('support.poco.messiah.screen')()
InspectorExt = require('support.poco.safaia.inspector')
InspectorExt.screen = screen_handler
InspectorExt.dumper = require('support.poco.cocos2dx.Dumper')()
for cocos2dx-* and others: please contact
Other Engines
See implementation guide. This guide helps you implement and integrate PocoSDK with your game step by step.